Power BI Summer School
Power BI Summer School
Maandag 20 juni 2022 - donderdag 23 juni 2022
Het programma
Managing data collections is not easy. There are different types and flavors of sources. As a BI professional it important to consider where the data is stored. Fortunately, Microsoft has several options for data storage. That is not only a subject for ICT, but the advanced Power BI user also needs to act as counterpart to create the optimal situation.
Story telling is all about transforming your data into visualizations that contain manageable insights. One of the great features is the possibility to drill trough data. From a high hierarchical level you are able to zoom in at details. Using this technique is very effective, but it has its drawbacks. In this session we give answers in modeling to use this technique.
An overview of steps and methods I use to create "perfect" finance reports. This will be a zero to hero Finance report building where we will start the Session with raw data and finish the Session with the "perfect" finance report. During construction, we will use an array of modeling techniques, DAX tricks, and custom visualizations that will ultimately result in THE Perfect Finance report.
Statistical calculations can give you other types of insights. There are some build in statistical DAX functions. In this session we explain the functions and the use of it in your model.
Power Query is the ETL oil of your model. But before you know it your query becomes messy and even slow down your query. In this session we dive deeper in the code to optimize your query.
Power BI Desktop is a jack of many trades: Data Visualization, ETL, Data Modelling, etc. Many of those features are supported with "smart" functionalities (via the user interface or scripts in DAX, M. R, or Python). In this talk we will take a practical look on some of these features and let them shine in particular use cases:
* Time Series Analysis
* Correlation Analysis
* Text Mining
* Anomaly Detection
* Scenarios
This business case focuses on insights in the value of an investment over time. As a specific example, think of acquiring a property to rent out: after an initial investment, incoming and outgoing cash flows are to be expected in the future. The value of a single dollar in the future is different from a dollar in the present; this is due to inflation, but is also related to the option to invest the dollar from the present to earn a return over time. Future cash flows therefore need to be adjusted to make them comparable to today’s investment and ultimately to answer the question: is this a good investment to make?
De Power BI Summer School
Drie dagen aan het strand met hoge kwaliteit Engelstalige content, top experts in Power BI en een zeer relaxte atmosfeer: dat is de Power BI Summer School. Ook organiseren wij een Mystery tour: een favoriet van eerdere deelnemers!
Deze ingrediënten hebben er al vier keer toe geleid dat deelnemers hun expertise in Power BI en Power Platform sterk hebben uitgebreid. In 2022 vieren we dus het eerste lustrum van de Power BI Summer School! We verwachten wel van je dat je een basiskennis hebt van Power BI. We gaan namelijk behoorlijk snel de diepte in.
- Michiel Rozema (MVP)
- Henk Vlootman (MVP)
- Gašper Kamenšek (MVP)
- Markus Ehrenmueller-Jensen (MVP)
Net als in Power BI zoeken wij graag naar de grenzen. Ook onze locatie voor 2022 zoeken wij de grenzen op. We gaan dit jaar naar een oer-Hollands eiland: Texel.
De Power BI Summer School 2022 vindt plaats in:
Van der Valk Hotel De Koog
Pelikaanweg 18,
De Koog in Texel.
In het arrangement
- Drie overnachtingen (maandag tot donderdag)
- 7 sessies door gerenommeerde sprekers
- 2 exclusieve Q&A sessies (all you can ask!)
- Barbeque / diner aan het strand op dinsdag
- Diner op woensdag
- Deelname aan de Mystery tour
- 3 ochtenden ontbijt
- 3 middagen lunch
- Heel veel kennis over Power BI
- Veel gebruikers kennis over BI